Working Papers:
How do flexible microfinance contracts improve repayment rates and business outcomes? Experimental Evidence from India, with Parul Agarwal (IFMR-LEAD)
Revise and Resubmit (3rd round), Journal of Finance
IGC Blog Post IGC Project Webpage AEA RCT Registry VoxDev Blog Post
Credit Supply and Green Investments, with Antonio Accetturo (Bank of Italy), Michele Cascarano (Bank of Italy), Emilia Garcia-Appendini (Norges Bank and University of Zurich) and Marco Tomasi (University of Trento)
Advantage Magazine (CAGE, University of Warwick) VoxEu Blog Post
Rural Banks Can Reduce Poverty: Experimental Evidence from 870 Indian Villages, with Erica Field (Duke University) and Rohini Pande (Yale University)
Behavioral Messages and Debt Repayment, with Juan Camilo Cárdenas Campo (U. Mass Amherst and Universidad de Los Andes) and Nicolás de Roux (Universidad de Los Andes)
Revise and Resubmit, Review of Finance
VoxDev Blog Post The Banker AEA RCT Registry
Perceived Social Acceptance and Migrants' Financial Inclusion, with Nicolás de Roux (Universidad de Los Andes) and Santiago Perez-Cardona (University of Chicago)
Can Foreign Banks act as Shock Absorbers? Evidence from the Great Recession
Creative against the Pandemic: Using mixed methods to measure creativity in rural India, with Elisa Giannone (CREI) and Karmini Sharma (Imperial College Business School)
CEPR Discussion Paper 16915
Innovations in the repayment structure of microcredit contracts
Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2024) 1;40(1):129-38
The role of culture in firm-bank matching, with Antonio Accetturo (Bank of Italy), Michele Cascarano (Bank of Italy) and Emilia Garcia-Appendini (University of Zurich)
Journal of Financial Intermediation (2023), n. 53, 101018
Does your neighbour know you better? The supportive role of local banks in the financial crisis
with Carlotta Rossi (Bank of Italy)
Journal of Banking and Finance (2019), n. 206, pp. 514-526.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2017), n. 142, pp. 425-450.
Financial Inclusion in a Developed Country: an Experiment about Formal Savings in Italy
with Alessandra Cassar (USF) and Timothée Demont (University of Marseille)
Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy (2017), n. 1, pp. 39-49.
with Alessandra Cassar (USF), Arturo Rodriguez Trejo (USF) and Bruce Wydick (USF)
Journal of Economics and Management (2013), n. 9, pp. 153-184.
University of Chicago Special Issue on Field Experiments in Economics and Management, Guest Editors: John List, Micheal Price, Anya Samek
Signalling through Joint-Liability: an Adverse Selection Model
Rivista Italiana degli Economisti (2013), n. 18, pp. 299-318.
Special Issue on Social Cohesion and Financial Exclusion, Guest Editors: Leonardo Becchetti, Arnold W. Boot, Robert Lensink, Alberto Zazzaro
Selected Work-in-Progress
Hold the Phone? Social and Economic Implications of Improving Women's Agency and Control over Smartphones, with Erica Field (Duke University), Rohini Pande (Yale University), Natalia Rigol (Harvard University), Simone Schaner (University of Southern California) and Charity Troyer Moore (Yale University).
"A Tough Call" report Ideas4India Blog Post
Complementarities Between Instant Payments and Open Finance: Evidence from Brazil, with Lucas Argentieri Mariani (ERSA-Bocconi University), José Renato Ornelas (Central Bank of Brazil) and Bernardo Ricca (INSPER)
Team Size and Performance: Experimental Evidence from India, with Ayah Bohsali (UPF) and Elisa Giannone (CREI)
Bank presence, green lending, and firms’ technology adoption, with Emilia Garcia-Appendini (Norges Bank and University of Zurich) and Nirupama Kulkarni (CAFRAL)